PARTISANS - definitie. Wat is PARTISANS
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Wat (wie) is PARTISANS - definitie

Partisans; Partisanism; Partisan (disambiguation); The Partisans; Partisans (disambiguation)

['p?:t?zan, ?p?:t?'zan]
¦ noun
1. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.
2. a member of an armed group fighting secretly against an occupying force.
¦ adjective prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.
partisanship noun
C16: from Fr., via Ital. dialect from Ital. partigiano, from parte 'part'.
·noun Any member of such a corps.
II. Partisan ·noun A kind of halberd or pike; also, a truncheon; a staff.
III. Partisan ·adj Serving as a partisan in a detached command; as, a partisan officer or corps.
IV. Partisan ·noun The commander of a body of detached light troops engaged in making forays and harassing an Enemy.
V. Partisan ·noun An adherent to a party or faction; ·esp., one who is strongly and passionately devoted to a party or an Interest.
VI. Partisan ·adj Adherent to a party or faction; especially, having the character of blind, passionate, or unreasonable adherence to a party; as, blinded by partisan zeal.
Someone who is partisan strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter.
He is clearly too partisan to be a referee.
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ
Partisans are ordinary people, rather than soldiers, who join together to fight enemy soldiers who are occupying their country.
He was rescued by some Italian partisans.



Partisan may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PARTISANS
1. with partisans, who were already there,
Lawyer’s Demistifying Murder _ William Clegg QC _ Talks at Google
2. has important implications for how partisans
Flynn _ Talks at Google
3. partisans together and their factual understanding
Flynn _ Talks at Google
4. that essentially the number of extreme partisans,
The Ideas Industry _ Daniel Drezner _ Talks at Google
5. about the plan versus partisans who
Flynn _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PARTISANS
1. Passionate partisans dislike compromise and consensus.
2. They have become partisans of the SPLM/A killing machine.
3. Calls to impeach Bush are not resonating beyond Democratic partisans.
4. Well–armed Iraqi tribes would be like the Russian partisans.
5. But many Republican partisans did not get their favorites, either.